Friday 1 April 2016

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century # 2 & 3 (Gold Key/1979)

Buck Rogers In the 25th Century #2 (Gold Key)

Paul Newman (w) Frank Bolle, Al McWilliams & Jose Delbo (a)

One of the must see TV shows in the late seventies was Buck Rogers in the 25th Century starring Gil Gerard and the fabulous Erin Gray. This story about an astronaut from the 20th century who woke up in the far future only lasted for two seasons, but was memorable all the same.

Inevitably Buck Rogers spawned some comic spin-offs. In the UK Buck appeared in ITV's "junior TV Times" Look-In between 1980 and 1982 in no less than 64 weekly instalments. In the USA Gold Key picked up the licence and started the series with #2, which may sound odd but they originally published their first Buck Rogers comic way back in 1964!

The "first" two issues of this comic re-told the original movie length story before moving on to a regular series using the characters from season one of the TV show. There were 15 comics published in a 16 issue run. For some reason although prepared and ready for use #10 was never published and #17 never made it to press either, the series being cancelled.


Nevertheless if these two issues are anything to go by, they are well worth picking up and have decent art and scripting for the time they were published. Certainly Gold Key went to town on the covers so worth collecting.

Later issues were published by Whitman.

Here's a reminder of the show as Buck meets....Twiki?


  1. It wasn't all bad for "Buck"...there was "Wilma" after all. Though I can't recall if they ever kissed etc?

  2. Wilma (Erin Gray)! I think they left it in the air, maybe if there had been more...actually I didn't realise there were only two seasons until I looked it up. Always thought there was more!
